A Team with more than 20 years of experience in the sector

Balance, simplicity and teamwork


Fixed Income

Asset Management


Cayetano Ramos

President and General Manager of Ever Capital Investments.

Degree in Economics and Business Sciences by FH Reutlingen (Germany) and ICADE (Madrid). INSEAD MBA, he has developed his professional career in first level companies like Morgan Stanley, Booz Allen & Hamilton and Grupo Recoletos.

Eva Rodríguez-Roselló

Head of Fixed Income and a founder partner of Ever Capital Investments, securities company founded in April 2016.

Degree in Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Over 20 years experience in the Fixed Income market, Managing Director at Deutsche Bank, Lehman Brothers, partner at Auriga and General Manager at Method Investments.

Fixed Income

Patricia Román

Iñaki Amutio

Esther Dannert

Asset Management

Rubén González

Victor Medina

Jaume Sansa


Sonia Álvarez

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